Tuesday, October 12, 2021

MBCS Sweeps Columbia Christian

The Maranatha Baptist Eagles traveled to Magnolia this week to take on the Columbia Christian Crusaders in junior high and senior high basketball.

The junior high Eagles started the night with a win in this season's non-conference opener. Braxton Griffin led the Eagles with 15 points, followed by Jack Bishop with 12. Roman Mullinax went 2 for 2 from the three-point line, and the team shot 100% on free throws.

The senior high Eagles followed with a win as well. Top scorers were Jag Mullinax and Jack Bishop with nine points each, followed by Landon Griffin with eight, Dolton Weido with seven, and Cooper Weido with six.

Jack Bishop went 3 for 3 from the three-point line while Jag Mullinax, Landon Griffin, and Cooper Weido each went 2 for 2 in free throws.